Sponsor struggles with audits and compliance
Like many program sponsors, the Blue Ridge Area Food Bank used to stress about CACFP and SFSP compliance and audit preparation.
Program sites were slow to submit meal-service forms, which often had to be returned because of errors. This required BRAFB staff to constantly review spreadsheets and binders of paper forms for accuracy, taking time and focus away from other strategic priorities.
Because of the manual process, staff often worried about mistakes and were anxious about their program audits.
Automated compliance with Link2Feed’s CACFP & SFSP software
Link2Feed’s CACFP & SFSP software has completely automated compliance for BRAFB sites. The system reduces human error by prompting users to correctly fill in all required fields, identifies mathematical errors and mandates signatures. Also, sites love that they can complete information right from their smartphone and have the peace of mind that their forms are correct when they submit.
BRAFB can now access all program information in real-time and has confidence in the accuracy of information provided from their sites.
Audits become a breeze
These features have reduced manual error and saved countless hours for BRAFB staff.
The CACFP & SFSP software automatically populates their reports and saves on paper and storage space because the meal service forms are now saved in the cloud.
BRAFB’s audit prep is now completed in a matter of seconds, rather than over several days. Auditors have been pleased with the ease and accuracy of the project, which has helped to bolster program sustainability for BRAFB.
Say goodbye to audit stress. Book your demo today!

“Before Link2Feed, SFSP and CACFP audits used to stress me out. We’d do our best to prepare, but often worried if we had crossed all of our t’s and dotted our i’s. Now when an audit comes, it’s just a few clicks and we’re ready to go. Link2Feed makes program compliance less worrisome, so we can focus more on doing what we do best – feeding kids! – Tyler Herman, Manager of Agency Relations and Programs, Blue Ridge Area Food Bank.